Tuesday, 21 January 2014

6 Colors and their meanings.

Red- Red symbolizes passion, aggressiveness, power

Green - Greens have a natural taste, refreshing, calm, health and healing qualities.

Orange - Orange is a combination of red and yellow. Orange color symbolizes enthusiasm, a sense of openness and friendliness.

 Blue - The blue color symbolizes peace, reliable, confidence.

Black - The black means power, eternity and depth. Sometimes black is negatively related to binding, strength, formality, mystery, wealth, fear, evil, unhappiness, feelings of deep sadness, anger

White - Showing peace, apology, self achievement, spirituality, divinity, virginity or chastity, simplicity, perfection, cleanliness, light

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


I think in this advertisement it shows how smoking can effect how long you live, and is very discreet, it doesn't force the viewer into anything and doesn't  

Explore and Discover Public Information:Unit two

1.) The advertisement campaign for the top image is for domestic abuse and is telling the viewer of the campaign to take action. You need to take action against abuse the campaign is from a charity supporting victims of domestic abuse. The woman in the picture represents a victim of domestic abuse, and the picture gets the pint across that action needs to be taken. I think that the woman was chosen for the picture as woman are generally thought as the weaker sex, and most victims of domestic abuse are woman.

2.) in the second advertising campaign (the bottom left image) They are giving information about what can happen when you are a smoker. It is an anti-smoking advert and is trying to show you the effects of smoking, I think the advert is showing that you can't wash away smoking once you start. And the advert has used a female to show how it can affect not just men and woman to, and woman tend to care more of how they look than men and would not want to see images like this as it makes woman and men look bad when they smoke.

3.) In the bottom right image the advertisement is persuading the audience to grow their own food. This photo was the style of advertisement posters in WW2 and i think it was trying to encourage people to grow their own food because in ww2 people were beginning to grow hungry as supply ships in WW2 were not getting through so the government were advising people to grow their own food.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Public Information


Public relations is the practice of managing the spread of information or an organization and the public.

Different Types Of Public Information:

Public information can also be things like pointing out different things such as public toilets, transport, or directions, such as road signs.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


I got my design when I did my mindmap, it was the simplest and easiest to do design, but it was also themost effective design. I added a darkening effect to make the fire raker however I still wanted the colour to be part of the fire, so that the fire was still visible and so that you could tell that it was still fire. But by darkening the fire the who stands out a lot more.

 we took pictures of the shoe with professional lighting and a white back, and the camera we used were the ones on the iPads. the lighting made the pictures much higher in quality. then for the fiery background i went outside and with a teacher safely get some newspaper on fire, and used the rising flame for the background. I then added the text which I made look similar to the Original vans text font with vans common line over the vans part of the text.

  For my mockup I had to use sampled images, as for my background I needed fire which I need adult supervision and a lot of setup for, this is why I think my mockup is better than my final design as my mockup had a higher quality fire image. Also my final design had a slight change from the mockup to the final design. In the mockup my show was covered in fore and then in the final design I changed the background to fire.

In photoshop I took the back ground off of the shoe by using the quick select tool, as I had a white background and the shoe was easy to select. The fire was not easy to remove the background, and I had to have a couple attempts for removing the background, I used the colour range tool to do this. For the real life situation I put the final design onto a billboard over a motorway.

I think that my final design and shoe choice appeals to the younger generation mainly, from the ages of 10 to 30 and maybe upwards, The design is very bright and vibrant and has a range of different colours, which makes it stand out. For the real life situation I took the advertisement of the side of a London bus and simply put my design on instead.

I think that my design fits the target audience well as it is simple but to the point and has a good range of things going on in the photo but is not cluttered, the writing is also clear and easy to read. I think that the design is interesting, however not very original, as fire is in a lot of advertisements. But I like how the vans logo and slogan was created by me, and not sampled. I think the message of the image is very clear and is very to the point, as the fire is blurred and darkened a bit but with the shoe still in colour, making it stand out which is also in the slogan 'Vans, Stand Out.'

Real Life Design

Final Design

Step By Step Vans Final Design

First of all, I took the background away from this fire. And then positioned it in the correct place.

Then I put a haze over the picture and darkened it so that when  added the shoe, the shoe would stand out.
 After I added the shoe, after I had cut out the background of the shoe picture
 Then I recreated the Vans logo using a similar text and a simple line over the 'V' in Vans.
Then I made up a logo which goes with the picture, as I made it so the fire is still in colour but darkened, and the shoe is it's original colour. The slogan is also in a very similar text font to the vans logo, and slogan.

Then I put the image into a real life situation, on a
billboard which you see over motorways, advertising things such as shoes.