Monday, 3 February 2014

How colour creates empathy and emotion 1

I think that the poster is very powerful and the red and darker grayish colours really add to the impact and the effect of the picture. I think that the colours really work with the poster and give it it's impact to the audience's point of view. I think the colours used help to hook the audience as well as the image itself. I think the image itself represents another country or some kind of invader, and Russia is bigger and stronger, therefore belittling the other invaders. The colors used really enhance the meaning behind the picture, because red, symbolizes power and passion, which is on the red hand, and on the other hand are the colours of black, and grey, which are the colours of evil and depression. I think the smoggy background color really brought out the mages in the foreground of the picture, and give the impact on the audience a boost, the creamy colour represents something calm and relaxed, therefore bringing out the deeper nd darker tones of the colors in from.  

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