Monday, 6 October 2014

Jason Dean

Jason Dean Artist Page:

 Images of art work:

These posters came through a complex process beginning with the creation of hand-rubbed relief prints from basic lumberyard 4 x 4’s. The individual relief prints were then scanned and used to create film for screen printing. The wood was then burned, meticulously ground and added to the ink mixture to literally impart wood into all aspects of every print. The result is a poster that reflects the many ways we process trees, including cutting it into commercial lumber,
pressing it into paper and burning it into

 My view:

I like how his work is a lot
different to most and despite being modern, it also has rustic feel and look to it. However his work does not stand out and seems to have the same pattern and effect for each piece, meaning it will not catch the eye of a
viewer and will not appeal as much as 
other art works.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Save The Rainforest Evaluation

Evaluation of Topic:

I started off by researching into different charities and after a long while of making my decision, I decided to go with a charity based on Saving the Rainforest. I decided to go with this one due to the wide array of things I could work with and how many different aspects of the topic there is to work on. I had various ideas with what I was going to do with each of my designs.

In the end I decided to go with a phone case for my freebie item as it would have a chance of striking interest of "Saving the rainforest" into the minds of younger people due to the increase in use of technology. The freebie was very easy to design only taking a few steps to design but still has a professional finish and look to it making it simple but effective.

Next I began on my poster which with only two images and some text created a powerful poster partnered with a rhetorical question to make the viewer really think about the image. It shows the importance of the rainforest not only for its looks but the many jobs it does and purposes it serves.

Finally I began my logo which really suits the topic I have chosen. I used the blank letters and a circle shape to create the basics of the logo and implemented a rainforest background to enhance the foreground and give it a better impact to the viewer and intrigue them further into the subject I have chosen. 

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Animal Rights

The RSPCA is a company which helps animals that may be being abused by owners, or they bring them in off of the street. They care for animals in need from small reptiles and cats, to large dogs and horses. RSPCA meaning Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Analysis of Awareness Campaigns

Awareness Campaigns

Children's Charities: The images were very powerful and showed a very basic range of colors that were straight to the point and really enhanced the image in the foreground.

Surfers Against Sewage: The campaigns varied and some showed strong bright beach-like colors and others used dark colors and graves showing a very powerful image.

Save the Rainforest: All of the campaigns had a very deep and meaningful impact, it used some of the things you may see in the rainforest and showed what happens to them when the environment they live in is taken away.

Animal Rights: All of the campaigns had a powerful meaning and moral behind them and made you think about the campaign itself. The campaigns were very creative and used a contrast of dark and light colours.

Children's Charities

Surfers Against Sewage

Animal Rights

Save the Rainforest

Monday, 2 June 2014

Nelson Makamo Homework

Nelson was born in Nylstroom (now modimolle) in Limpopo he participated in a number 
of local exhibitions in Limpopo before finding his way to artist proof in studio 2003 he 
received his APS certificate in advanced professional printmaking in 2005 since then, 
Nelson has worked as a professional artist and as a marketing sales administrator for 
the APS gallery. Nelson was selected as art South Africa's seventh bright young thing in 
2007 in the same year he had the first International exhibition in simmer Lombardo, 
(Italy) followed in 2008 with the International solo exhibition in Amsterdam in January 
2009 Nelson resigned from the gallery position to devote himself full time to his art.

Mono prints can differ in appearance, some are hazy and dark colours and others are vibrant and 
have a large variety of colours.

I like his work because it shows all different meanings behind it and can have a different impact of 
each viewer, and his work is different to most mono prints I have seen when searching.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Printing - Step by Step

Step 1: Get some large card and some ink and put a blob of ink in the middle of the card.

Step 2: Using a roller spread the ink into roughly an A4 sized shape.

Step 3: Place a sheet of newspaper over the A4 size/shaped splat of ink and rub your hands across the paper making sure the ink is settled.

Step 4: Remove the newspaper sheet and place it in the bin or just get rid of it.

Step 5: Grab a piece of A4 card/paper and begin drawing your images/text ensuring you do not lean on he image, however you have to write he text backwards for it to have the correct appearance when you are finished.

Step 6: Peel off the paper the paper you have drawn/written on and you will have your finished product! 

When you're finished you will have something like this!

Printing Images

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

World Leader

Self Asessment

What have I learned this lesson?
I have learned how to make a collage of a cluster of small images to make one complete logo. 

What does 'Mixed Media' mean?
using different artistic media: the use of different artistic media, e.g. painting, photography, and collage, in a single composition or work.

What technique have we learned?
I have learned the technique of using lots of small images from the media e.g. papers and magazines to make one large image of something that is in the media or a polar topic. 

How have we created tone in our collaged sections?
We created tone in our collage by using different images to create one, meaning there is a mixture of colors creating tone.

What magazine page have we used to create the different patterns and textures?
I used newspapers such as 'The Times' 'The Daily Mirror' 'The Guardian' and magazines such as the Penrice Magazine

Hannah Hoch

Monday, 21 April 2014


 Looking down a building.

Looking through an object

 Colourful structure

looking up a building


Monday, 24 March 2014

Stencils-So far

 This stencil was made on plain white paper with purple and orange blended together, I sponged the two colors and blended it in the middle so that the blend from the orange to purple. This was the easiest and most effective paper. The stencil I have done is representing Domestic violence, the image shows the word stop with the 'o' as a fist.
 In this stencil design

Monday, 3 March 2014

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Cause For Concern

Cause For Concern.

Domestic Violence

I choose Domestic Violence as my cause for concern as it has been a popular topic in the past and has recently just been in the news and awareness is now being spread through schools in the U.K. It has been a popular topic throughout the U.K. especially and also internationally it is a popular agenda.

Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, dating abuse and intimate partner violence is a pattern of behavior which involves the abuse by one partner against another in an intimate relationship such as marriage cohabitation, dating or within the family.

Smoking Campaign Mockup

Monday, 24 February 2014

Banksy Analysis

 This picture symbolizes hope. I think that this is one o the most powerful pieces of art work that banksy has created, interpretations of this piece of art is that it is love lost, or the saying if you love something you should let it go.

In this piece of work I think that this is the most powerful of them all. It shows a little girl patting down a soldier, where as usually it would be the other way round. This is very powerful and really stands out and really makes the viewer of the art stop and think about what the piece of art work might represent.

In this piece of banksys work this really stands out because of the bright colors of the rings, It also really makes you think of the concept and the meaning behind it. I think this is tied with another piece of banksys work with the girl and the soldier.

I think that this is one of Banksys' most extreme pieces of work, and i think that it is the deepest of all with the most meaning behind it. I think that this really combines colour and grey's and black well, giving an even stronger power behind it, therefore making it stand out even more.

I really like banksys' graffiti style, because he combines politics and logic with a hidden meaning all in one, he has his own view on society which he expresses in his work. He mixes colour with shades of black and grey, giving it even more impact.

Graffiti really displays passion and a great meaning behind the work, it also gives you an idea of the artist him/herself and how they see the World, I personally think that banks see's the World as full of faults that can be fixed, and he see's things that need to be changed in the World.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Smoking Campaigns 2

This campaign is aimed at woman and mothers also, the message is very clear and will definitely stand out to future mothers or mothers or current mothers, as a mother wants o care for their baby and would want to keep them healthy and looked after.

Smoking Campaigns 1

 The target audience for this campaign is towards all ages, as well as male and female. With the message being to all genders and ages the message is put across as all smoking in general is bad and is shortening the age you may live up to.  The difference between this campaign and others is that the image is for all ages as well, as it is simple and the process of the image is easy to understand. The image shows balloons as the organs and balloons are usually associated with children, therefore children who may smoke or even if they don't smoke will pick up un the image and the meaning behind it.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Self Assessment 3/2/14

Self Assessment:

How is colour used when designers are developing concepts for public information?

The design have to catch the attention of the audience so that the point of the picture is got across, however it has to be simple an not cluttered, so that the advertisement is readable and makes sense. If the poster/advertisement is cluttered and hard to read, then it isn't going to catch the eye of the public.

Why can colour be so powerful to hook an audience or deliver a message to the viewer? 

If colours are bright and vibrant, it stands out more to viewers, where as dark and gloomy colours like blacks and greys wouldn't stand out as much and wouldn't be as eye catching.

What materials have you used when creating your colour profiles and how can you experiment further?

In future I will use more fabrics and things such as string.

How do your propaganda examples communicate messages through the use of color?

The colours used are powerful and really help the image in the foreground stand out, the images in the foreground also have powerful colours such as red's and yellow's and Black's.

How color creates empathy and emotion 2

I think the background color really brings out the woman in the picture and assists in the power and meaning behind the picture which is stand out, the colour yellow is usually associated with joy and happiness, and in this photo it really makes it stand out meaning it will stand out to an audience to. I think that the color is the biggest part of the image, as it makes the image stand out, meaning that people will see it, therefore, the image is getting its point across. The image is very powerful and is different to most of the propaganda from that time.

How colour creates empathy and emotion 1

I think that the poster is very powerful and the red and darker grayish colours really add to the impact and the effect of the picture. I think that the colours really work with the poster and give it it's impact to the audience's point of view. I think the colours used help to hook the audience as well as the image itself. I think the image itself represents another country or some kind of invader, and Russia is bigger and stronger, therefore belittling the other invaders. The colors used really enhance the meaning behind the picture, because red, symbolizes power and passion, which is on the red hand, and on the other hand are the colours of black, and grey, which are the colours of evil and depression. I think the smoggy background color really brought out the mages in the foreground of the picture, and give the impact on the audience a boost, the creamy colour represents something calm and relaxed, therefore bringing out the deeper nd darker tones of the colors in from.  

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

6 Colors and their meanings.

Red- Red symbolizes passion, aggressiveness, power

Green - Greens have a natural taste, refreshing, calm, health and healing qualities.

Orange - Orange is a combination of red and yellow. Orange color symbolizes enthusiasm, a sense of openness and friendliness.

 Blue - The blue color symbolizes peace, reliable, confidence.

Black - The black means power, eternity and depth. Sometimes black is negatively related to binding, strength, formality, mystery, wealth, fear, evil, unhappiness, feelings of deep sadness, anger

White - Showing peace, apology, self achievement, spirituality, divinity, virginity or chastity, simplicity, perfection, cleanliness, light

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


I think in this advertisement it shows how smoking can effect how long you live, and is very discreet, it doesn't force the viewer into anything and doesn't  

Explore and Discover Public Information:Unit two

1.) The advertisement campaign for the top image is for domestic abuse and is telling the viewer of the campaign to take action. You need to take action against abuse the campaign is from a charity supporting victims of domestic abuse. The woman in the picture represents a victim of domestic abuse, and the picture gets the pint across that action needs to be taken. I think that the woman was chosen for the picture as woman are generally thought as the weaker sex, and most victims of domestic abuse are woman.

2.) in the second advertising campaign (the bottom left image) They are giving information about what can happen when you are a smoker. It is an anti-smoking advert and is trying to show you the effects of smoking, I think the advert is showing that you can't wash away smoking once you start. And the advert has used a female to show how it can affect not just men and woman to, and woman tend to care more of how they look than men and would not want to see images like this as it makes woman and men look bad when they smoke.

3.) In the bottom right image the advertisement is persuading the audience to grow their own food. This photo was the style of advertisement posters in WW2 and i think it was trying to encourage people to grow their own food because in ww2 people were beginning to grow hungry as supply ships in WW2 were not getting through so the government were advising people to grow their own food.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Public Information


Public relations is the practice of managing the spread of information or an organization and the public.

Different Types Of Public Information:

Public information can also be things like pointing out different things such as public toilets, transport, or directions, such as road signs.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


I got my design when I did my mindmap, it was the simplest and easiest to do design, but it was also themost effective design. I added a darkening effect to make the fire raker however I still wanted the colour to be part of the fire, so that the fire was still visible and so that you could tell that it was still fire. But by darkening the fire the who stands out a lot more.

 we took pictures of the shoe with professional lighting and a white back, and the camera we used were the ones on the iPads. the lighting made the pictures much higher in quality. then for the fiery background i went outside and with a teacher safely get some newspaper on fire, and used the rising flame for the background. I then added the text which I made look similar to the Original vans text font with vans common line over the vans part of the text.

  For my mockup I had to use sampled images, as for my background I needed fire which I need adult supervision and a lot of setup for, this is why I think my mockup is better than my final design as my mockup had a higher quality fire image. Also my final design had a slight change from the mockup to the final design. In the mockup my show was covered in fore and then in the final design I changed the background to fire.

In photoshop I took the back ground off of the shoe by using the quick select tool, as I had a white background and the shoe was easy to select. The fire was not easy to remove the background, and I had to have a couple attempts for removing the background, I used the colour range tool to do this. For the real life situation I put the final design onto a billboard over a motorway.

I think that my final design and shoe choice appeals to the younger generation mainly, from the ages of 10 to 30 and maybe upwards, The design is very bright and vibrant and has a range of different colours, which makes it stand out. For the real life situation I took the advertisement of the side of a London bus and simply put my design on instead.

I think that my design fits the target audience well as it is simple but to the point and has a good range of things going on in the photo but is not cluttered, the writing is also clear and easy to read. I think that the design is interesting, however not very original, as fire is in a lot of advertisements. But I like how the vans logo and slogan was created by me, and not sampled. I think the message of the image is very clear and is very to the point, as the fire is blurred and darkened a bit but with the shoe still in colour, making it stand out which is also in the slogan 'Vans, Stand Out.'

Real Life Design

Final Design

Step By Step Vans Final Design

First of all, I took the background away from this fire. And then positioned it in the correct place.

Then I put a haze over the picture and darkened it so that when  added the shoe, the shoe would stand out.
 After I added the shoe, after I had cut out the background of the shoe picture
 Then I recreated the Vans logo using a similar text and a simple line over the 'V' in Vans.
Then I made up a logo which goes with the picture, as I made it so the fire is still in colour but darkened, and the shoe is it's original colour. The slogan is also in a very similar text font to the vans logo, and slogan.

Then I put the image into a real life situation, on a
billboard which you see over motorways, advertising things such as shoes.